For All Emergencies
Please Dial 911

1 State Street, Penns Grove NJ

Penns Grove Police Department
For All Emergencies Dial 911
1 State Street, Penns Grove NJ 08069

Non-Emergencies / Return Call Information: 856-299-0056

Immediate Officer Assistance:

Forms & Resources

Please note that several resources are external websites which will open in new windows or tabs.

Note for Users of Screen Readers
Several of the PDF documents may not readable by Screen Readers. Any resident using Assistive Technologies may contact the office to inquire about receiving alternate copies of these documents.

Community Resources

Salem County Sheriffs Dept. – Inmate Information

The Salem County Sheriffs Department website contains useful information such as Enforcement, Emergency Services, County 911 Center and the Correctional Facility.

You will also find:

  • rules for visiting an inmate
  • dress code
  • post-release programs that are available to inmates
  • how to place money into an inmate’s account
  • Inmate look-up – if you are inquiring into if someone is incarcerated, visit

Online Accident Reports

Reports may be found at (opens in new tab/window).

Officers will able to provide the case number for the motor vehicle accident. For additional assistance please call 856-299-0056 ext. 110.

Please allow 5-7 business days for report to be available online.

Local Business Emergency Contact / Keyholder Information

Penns Grove Police Department asks that all businesses in the Borough of Penns Grove please update key-holder information whenever there is any change in status or employees.

Because the Salem County 911 Center dispatches for the Borough, this information is vital for everyone’s safety.

Download and complete the Contact/Keyholder Information Form (found in the section at the top of this page) and return to Penns Grove Police Department so that all information is current. The form can be returned via:

The information in the form is vital for emergency situations, especially during the middle of the night when we have a need to contact a key-holder due to a problem at your business.